lunch ladies of mordor

Pimmi Late! Almost a new day! We ARE here darlings but Pati got drinky
Pati *hic*hElllOoOOO!!
Pimmi So we will be back once I have some hot drinks into her, plus we have two guests!
Bitsy Hellooo!
Flowerbottom 'Ello!
Pimmi Sooo when I get this lot organized we'll tell you all about what has happened to lil' ol' us.. alrighty-o I had a nip too- special occasion and all.. but I am not tipping over like "certain" folk. Be back Soon!


Pimmi Now that a certain someone is finally upright..

Pati I wAnt TO Nap!

Pimmi We are here to share our big week with you..

Pati OoOOoOo when did we decide to move the cafeteria?

Pimmi We haven't moved dear we have always been here..

Pati NooOO Its all on the other side now!

Pimmi Okay I see a certain someone is still not quite "oriented" yet!

Pati OliPHant! Where is THe OLIPhant! Heehheehheeee, they spray water out their trunkies.. look- like this!

Pimmi Now I am back after a pause of about 15 minutes while we cleaned up a wee bit of grog splashed by the Pati-Phant. Lets use this wee moment to introduce our VISTORS..yes (behave!) WE DO HAVE VISITORS to our lovely establishment where folk ARE WELL BEHAVED AND DO NOT HOLD THEIR ARMS UP TO THeiR FACES AND GO EERRRRRRRR!

Flowerbottom I don't know how this magic box thing works seems- a little- otherworldly to me, might be evil... I'd say don't get too close Bitsy

Bitsy Seems fine to me honeypie- wait this thing is doing something.... Oh my lookit that! Well if that don't just take the cake.

Flowerbottom Oh my..! Can we change this.. I think it stole my words!

Bitsy I'd say just calm down honey- PIMMI! Come lookit this thing is this what its supposed to do?

Pati ERrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Pimmi Ladies I see you have been introduced!

Bitsy Well I'd say somewhat, this magic box thing does what it wants- ya sure its not evil or nothin? Flowerpants here is getting nervous!

Flowerbottom I am just as open to new fangled contraptions as you are Bitsy- and its bottom not pants!

Bitsy Same Real Estate honey!

Pimmi Well well I see you two are right at home on the magic box now!. Well friends... we have here two visitors (and their hubbies wandering about somewhere) and we have had the pleasure to get to know and spend a few days with- Flowerbottom and Toeproud Took from Hobbiton, and Bitsy and Big Daddy Musselwaite from a distant kingdom called Teksass- did I get that pronounciation right Bitsy?

Bitsy Honey you call it what you want as long as you keep puttin that accent on SASS! Thats where I come from honey! SASS!

Pimmi Flowerbottom is who brought us all together- she and her hubby have finally completed a big renovation of the Nazgul Cavern.. you know I mentioned this one before..

Flowerbottom Yes we are very proud! A lovely place to come and visit, cozy and warm and..

Bitsy Its a big fancy HOLE in the ground!

Pimmi It is nice.. not that I ever thought folks would live in such a .. a...

Bitsy HOLE honey.. say it- a HOLE in the ground

Pimmi Well technically it does go INTO the ground..

Bitsy But hhhoooweee, its nice!

Pimmi YES! It is.. Flowerbottom you must be so proud...

Flowerbottom Well of course, it was not in much need of work.. structurally that it is.. according to Mr Took, but it needed homey hobbit touches to make it comfortable.

Pimmi Yes and part of that means FOOD! Lots of cakes and tarts and pies and sweetmeats and so many other treats we whipped up right here in the Cafeteria for the pantries!

Bitsy We had the hubbies doing the hauling! That heavy stuff, that depressing dark furniture. Oh and that scary statue- we stuck it in a park here because folks seemed to be liking it.

Flowerbottom It was nice and surprising when Bitsy and Big Daddy met us on the way here to Mordor. They are here for oil perspectives.. no I think it was prospecting..

Bitsy We dig holes too honey we just don't move into them we drain them..

Pati Black Gooooo!!!!!!

Pimmi Look who is back from the dead!

Pati Goooooooooooooooooooooo!

Pimmi Maybe not...

Bitsy Your sister is a riot, but after reading up on Orcs I thought you folk could hold likker until the cows came home!

Pimmi We are part pure elf.

Bitsy Whhooo well there are some lightweights, that explains it!

Flowerbottom Bitsy and Big Daddy offered to help with the work so they could set up in a room specially outfitted for them that was cozy and get to their oil business. I don't quite understand all of it, the "biz" stuff, but unlike what you might think we just adore each other. Nice to find another "gal" who can talk food, farming and frocks with ease!

Bitsy We DO gab, but we work hard- like these ladies here. We LOVE the Cafeteria. I love that Angmar Deli but oh the smell needs to getalong now! Funny how you don't mind it in that warm tickly sulfur spring you soak those gobbinses in but not when you eat a sandwich... But I adore it I really do.

Pimmi MY we have had fun whipping up recipes too, these ladies brought quite a lot of new ideas.

Bitsy When you don't know its got mealworms in it ANYTHING can taste like chicken!

Pimmi So we have been doing some tasty things

Pati Yummy!

Pimmi Yes and unlike now Pati has been quite the charmer. Tonight was the "Grand Opening" of the Nazgul Cavern...

Flowerbottom Still to be re-named... but I am leaning toward "The New Underhill" but we'll see. Toeproud is so tired of "that" branch of the family getting all this attention..

Bitsy Yeah didn't some leprechan throw out some jewelry? I mean .. I've thrown out a LOT of jewelry- some involuntarily.. I should be a QUEEN by now!

Flowerbottom it was a hobbit, but there was quite a fight- very dramatic...

Bitsy And then he kills this evil guy/eye whatever?

Flowerbottom No... from what I understand he didn't kill the firey eye, but the ring being thrown into the fire did it.. all ties together..

Pimmi We have been discussing this to no end of course over cooking and baking and what we can't quite make out is how a ring in the fire destroyed the Eye.. but it is gone soooo something did happen...

Pati Boom boom! Bye Bye!

Bitsy So nobody actually SAW this Surly guy's body...

Pimmi Sauron...

Bitsy Whatever, he was a big jerk right?

Pati Evilll!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pimmi He was quite in control of everything and was very nasty tempered and bad natured.. I don't think he had a body exactly..

Bitsy Okay so he was a REALLY BIG no-body jerk, and no one has any proof of him being gone other than that OTHER hole in the ground where a tower stood.. how do you know he's really gone? You know I heard lots of your evil types here like to hide in or get stuck in holes- so how do you know this one is gone?

Pimmi That you are here! That all of you lovely people are here and we are having fun.. if he isn't gone for good he is certainly gone from here. We have never had such a wonderful time..

Flowerbottom Oh dear I think I am going to cry...

Bitsy Pimmi you've got me tearing up too. You know when we all first got here you two were the only ones to offer to put us up in those lovely rooms in that big drafty sulfury palace. Big Daddy was going to stay in those barracks! That was what was offered to us, BARRACKS! I understand things are a little rough right now but thats no excuse for not havin' any style or hospitality! So even though we were a little cramped it was fun.. smelly sulfury.. but lovely. Everyone here doing their own thing, setting up their own businesses and contracts... and what a job getting through the Main Gate!

Flowerbottom Oh my I think I had blocked that out! How time consuming! All the paperwork just to get in!

Pimmi Of course its getting more and more crowded... very exciting!

Bitsy Its why you gotta get in now! Make those deals! Thats why we wanted a real place to live and we have moved in to Underpants Inn! Our own place and we helped the Tooks get it going. No matter who you are, you got to go through the main gate for that first step.

Flowerbottom And thats where we met Pimmi and Pati! Of course we needed a bit of second lunch...

Bitsy Oh I love how hobbits eat- Yeah darlin' what a shocker meeting some sophisticated ladies like ourselves tucked into that area! The Main Gate Snack Shack was a haven in the madness! Tasty tarts!

Pati Who you calling a tart??? but I AM a tart! hehehehee

Pimmi Oh it looks like her eyes are clearing up.. I'd say they were almost PINK now!

Flowerbottom I can't believe you get those little goblins to work for you! We had a rough patch with warg riding goblins in the outerlands... but these are so cute! I wonderwhat kind they are?

Bitsy They are too squeaky for me, I'd prefer a quiet goblin... well whenever I ever think about goblins which I never heard of before except on holidays! You folk have some nasty creatures around here- well did, but some fine people too, nice landscape... OLD too yes very OLD!

Pimmi Old dead things all smooshed up make oil- I LOVE this gal, we have so much in common.

Flowerbottom Just don't dig up everything Bitsy save some trees won't you?

Bitsy Oh you won't have to worry about that I have a feeling this Mordor is gonna be big!

Pimmi You see friends whats exciting about this is we were more than a little crowded in the Witch King's Palace and like a party every night, the Musselwaites decided to make a real home with Flowerbottom and Toeproud Took right there in their own little corner of the Nazgul Carvern!

Pati So that means they are STAYING!

Pimmi You are up!

Pati I was up the whole time!

Pati I was up the whole time! Why is everyone looking at me that way!

Pimmi Go look in the glass!

Pati Oh quite funny you three!

Bitsy Darlin' thats my favorite shade of blue eyeliner- looks lovely on your lips!

Pati Oh you childish tarts- and who owns the purple glittery stuff that my painted beard and mustache is made of?

Flowerbottom Guilty!

Pati And you the quiet demure one too! I'll warn you to beware from this moment on if you ever doze off!

Pimmi You make me feel bad you didn't notice the little twistys in your hair....

Pati Oh no I knew that was you. Okay you giggling sillies I'm off to wash this off- tell those gobbies to stop staring- like they have a right covered in some of the slime they get gobbed in!

Pimmi Okay hurry back! We'll talk about you visciously while you are gone!

Pati yadda yadda.........

Bitsy She just cracks me up- you know you two have made this horror of a place feel right pretty and homey. You should be proud. With Mordor coming up the way it is its something to look forward to. When we came here and got that oil lease it was just amazing- a foreign land so new and strange- you two made me feel right at home! Plenty of men around to entertain the hubbies but not a lot of women about who can gab and eat and have some fun in all this work.

Flowerbottom I was frankly scared to come here to Mordor... we heard the International Relations Committee had approved hobbit contractors to represent one of the castles and when we read about the cavern it just sounded so perfect! We sent in a proposal and there must have been thousands... some of these castles are in ruin and this one was almost perfect! So many folks must have wanted it! That we got it.. well what would you have done? Once in a lifetime chance so here we are!

Pimmi You two- it will be so much nicer living here knowing you are just over in the lower valley- wish you'd be closer but we'll be 'round with the pies! Oh group hug!

Pati Oh okay I'm back...... I'll do the magic button again.. now we all hug! *snugs!!!!!!!!!!*

(Bitsy took these pictures..) when we can find some of us that aren't smudged we'll post'm!
Of course thats Mordor coming up when we had no idea what to expect!

This approach is kept clear, there are still armed guards on the wall! Just smile and wave they aren't evil anymore!

This is the gate in the Main Gate we were told to go to, hand over papers and then proceed in!

We still had no idea what to expect! By this time we had met the Tooks and they had gone in two days before us even though we arrived at the same time! I'd call that rude but it was too scray to complain!

Once inside you pass through a corridor and I don't remember which one right now but one of these stairs leads to the Main Gate Snack Shack- just follow the tasty smell!

A view of the Angmar Deli, and right below the fun rooms of the Lunch Ladies! Now its set up for a lot of people you have no idea how busy it gets!

Peek in one of the side doors and here there is a pretty room set up. Big Daddy and I will use this for investor meetings! Hey we don't cut trees down we just drain big ol' dark holes!

Some of Mordor is still in ruin... but still pretty looking! I don't even look this well put together in the AM let me tell you!

Creepy statue we removed from the Nazgul Cavern- just creepy but somehow funny now!

Shhh don't tell I snuck this pic of Flowerbottom's hubby Toeproud having a snooze!

Our personal entry way in the cavern, the hotel area will be on the other side.

Our cozy living room! Warm in winter cool in summer, no people staring at you- no windows here!

Underground spring fed bath! Wonderful non smelly waters!

Darlin's I am about to pass out here so off to sleep. When I am happier with the way my home looks I'll put up some more pictures here on Pimms and Pats magic box! All ya'll got to come visit Mordor!

Lots of fun for the whole family!
Stop by the Cafeteria, say Hello and have a bite!
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