lunch ladies of mordor

Pimmi Hello dearests, we had had quite a bustly week..

Pati Well we always do!

Pimmi I suppose thats true, but it seems polite to warn a body who might be reading our little scribbles here.

Pati We are soo boring!

Pimmi I think we are quite exciting!

Pati You think adding raisins to muffins is exciting!

Pimmi And so it is! Quite a lovely little chew in a fluffy muffin... I'd be quite excited if everyone did that to muffins!

Pati I rest my case!

Pimmi Pomp and attitude aside..

Pati You like the lawly term.. I am thinking of a career in law...

Pimmi Just a moment ago you wanted to be an exotic dancer whatever that is..

Pati I acquired a scale for a bag of dry noodles and got quite depressed.

Pimmi Why? Was it a dirty scale?

Pati No I got into it and didn't like the weight!

Pimmi Oh dear I see now... why do you do these things?

Pati I am not slimmintrim like those lady warriors.. I was inspired to dance until I saw those lasses

Pimmi I don't think anyone could ever look like those ladies, I don't think they ever ate a full plate in their lives!

Pati But how do they swing those big swords? Those muscles those thighs.. what makes those?

Pimmi Well if they were orc ladies I'd say they ate their men but they are a mystery to me.

Pati They didn't quite like us did they?

Pimmi They need to get to know us first then they'd love us!

Pati Scary faced skinny bulgy ladies with big swords... I do love them so!

Pimmi You are indescribable. Emphasis on the Babble.

Pati Why were they here again?

Pimmi They were here to "pitch" a proposal. A quite unworkable one but they have the right.

Pati Oh yes thats right.. it was spooky there for a moment.

Pimmi These warrior ladies arrive from the outer lands and wanted to flatten, tear down all of Mordor and make it farmland.

Pati I just can't see them pushing plows.. pushing the horses pushing the plows now maybe...

Pimmi They were very poetic. Used rhyming words and shouty song stylings to make a proposal that a land that brought all this depressing darkness and death should be now used to bring life and feed Middle Earth.

Pati I got a tear in my eye when they sang of all the pain this one land caused filled with mean people until I realized it was us they were talking about.

Pimmi We heard it all because we served the lunch.

Pati A nice spicy thing a visitor shared with us "fiesta!" flavor.

Pimmi Maybe thats why you cried, the peppers.

Pati No it was the drama. We were a mean folk!

Pimmi I am glad they were turned down. We have done so much work here..

Pati The ladies wanted us strung up!

Pimmi OOhh I wasn't going to bring that up- must be happy and FUN now. But its true. It was a learning experience!

Pati Found out a few things we forgot about!

Pimmi Apparently the reason we aren't in the spirit world ourselves with the majority of the orc folk is that we helped a large number of men!

Pati We did! Many men spoke up about it in front of these warrior ladies. The lasses wanted some bad things done to all remaining formerly dark folk.

Pimmi Back then in the Troubles a large number of soliders had come into the cafeteria wounded and we fed them broths and kept them alive.

Pati Imagine that!

Pimmi Now I do have to apologize that I truthfully can't remember doing that.

Pati Neither do I!

Pimmi My fear is we weren't exactly helping them but fattening them up for dinners later- human meat is not very good once.. ummm its "passed on" so its worth the effort to keep it alive!

Pati Eeeww we sound evil again...

Pimmi Well now I am just being good- to tell the truth is a good thing and no one can say I didn't tell the truth.

Pati The truth hurts...

Pimmi Yes the men vigourously held us up as an example of how dark folk can change and they would have died had we not fed them and kept them warm and wrapped them in moist cloths.. see thats the thing that makes me think this was a foody thing.. mustn't have the skin dry out..

Pati No its too tough then!

Pimmi It doesn't matter anymore dear we don't eat folk now.

Pati So the Eye goes POOF and we are GOOD folk now.

Pimmi And there we were taking care of men. I certainly hope we didn't eat any. Most all of them have come by to say thank you.

Pati Well no one came to say we nibbled his fingers off so it looks good for now!

Pimmi The point being when the veil lifted we did take care of them.

Pati Then all these loud men came in and all this shouting and the injured men left and then we were alone for a long time just cooking and cleaning and wondering...

Pimmi Its still a strange time to me.. all these strange memories. But then we were busy with our little kitchen here and suddenly lots of hungry people!

Pati Yummy nummy!

Pimmi A wizardly type said those spared from the dark times had an amulet that kept them from being "strung up"...

Pati So we're suddenly thinking if we threw out some kind of ugly wizard jewelry we better find it again!

Pimmi Then he said it was a aura kind of thing..

Pati So we knew we didn't throw anything out at least- you see the things those magic fellows wear-UGLY!

Pimmi Have to admit I agree, so much looks so heavy and is sometimes smelly!

Pati And not the good kind of smelly!

Pimmi So the Warrior ladies were turned down and none of them stayed for the "Fiesta!" lunch, but they did give us "looks" as they walked out.

Pati I think one growled.. maybe more than one!

Pimmi But at least they behaved and didn't "string us up".

Pati I still love them so- the shapes they are in. Quite stunning. You see those men fall off their horses trying to watch them march by? No one has ever fallen off a horse for me unless they were reaching for a sticky bun on the go.

Pimmi I'd take that as compliment to your sticky buns!

Pati I think it was a gobbie baked dozen..

Pimmi Well I was just trying to help luv...

Pati Hmmm

Pimmi The "Fiesta!" lunch was a huge success!

Pati Welll we learned to not let gobbies eat beans!

Pimmi Not so lovely letting anyone eat beans I'd say, but they are tasty!

Pati Like soft spicy grubs, the plump kind, you know which ones I mean!

Pimmi There were few other lunches to service but the Warrior ladies left the biggest impression.

Pati Lots of people from all over have all these ideas for Mordor.

Pimmi Proposals they call them, planning commisions look at them.

Pati What was the one with the flying trains?

Pimmi Flying trains?

Pati Little cars flying all over the place on a tiny track and screaming people in it.. well they said people would scream but it would be for fun..

Pimmi Ohh yes the "Mordor Theme Park". Doesn't make sense to me. How can it be a "Mordor Theme" when you are still IN Mordor?

Pati I think they want it to be evil again, but fun evil...

Pimmi How can it be fun evil..

Pati Silly evil..

Pimmi They had all kinds of machines to fling people about and make them scream for no reason other than being flung about. Is that fun?

Pati I think humans are very tickly and like that sort of thing...

Pimmi But they just got over the Troubles and some want to bring it back?

Pati Have a laugh at it I guess. Maybe have a "Poke The Eye Out" game..

Pimmi Well I wouldn't mind having a whack at that!

Pati But that was turned down too.

Pimmi I think its exciting enough the things happening here..

Pati And FUN remember FUN, we'll post piccies later- Pimmi rescued a little thrush and she's feeding him right now (yes feeding him not feeding him to something)- okay here is a well behaved gobbie with clean hanndeses to push the magic box button now! *snugs!*

The little Thrush was taken by some nice Hobbits heading back toward the Lonely Mountain Thrush Sanctuary.. apparently a new place for little thrushies to learn songs speech and shell knocking. He'll have fun, cute little guy! Well here are the piccies! ~Pimmi

Now does this look like a nice thing to do to someone when they say "Hello!"...?

This one growled.. she probably bites too!

Swords? Don't get near those legs I am told!

And yes those swords are way too big I mean really!

Okay now bye bye and come back when you can keep from wanting to "string" folk up!

A "coaster" as its called.

I thought it might be fun when I saw this.. but was told this is only a model.. is in fact a VERY large affair! Oh my humans think this is fun? Well I think Mordor will be FUN.. is funner a word? It will be MORE fun as time goes on, so come visit and add to it! *snugs*

Our "Fiesta!" Lunch menu .. its Spicy Fun! See what the Ladies missed out on!

Lots of fun for the whole family!
Stop by the Cafeteria, say Hello and have a bite!
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